It has come to our attention that various companys are selling (fake) counterfeit versions of our products.
Please be advised that LightEyez products can only be purchased via our website: and we do not have any authorized third party sellers or operate distributors at this time. Any product not purchased directly from us is counterfeit and will likely do great harm to your eyes. We are working on better ways to prove authenticity of our product ranges and we will update our blog with more information in the future. Please stay vigilant, do not buy fake products and do report any instances of others selling our products, directly to us and to social media companies and/or other relevant companys/platforms where they are being sold. With best wishes, Dr. Charlie Carmichael and all our LightEyez
It has come to our attention that individuals and companies are welling fake / counterfeit versions of Lighteyez Eye drops. Please be advised that LightEyez products can only be purchased via our website: and we do not have any authorized third party sellers or operate distributors at this time Any product not purchased directly from us is counterfeit and will likely do great harm to your eyes We are working on better ways to prove authenticity of our product ranges and we will update our blog with more information in the future. Please stay vigilant, do not buy fake products and do report any instances of others selling our products, directly to us and to social media companies and/or other relevant companys/platforms where they are being sold. With best wishes, Dr. Charlie Carmichael and all our LightEyez Dear valued customers and friends of LightEyez
We would like to share an update on how LightEyez is responding to the rapidly changing environment caused by the continued spreading of Coronavirus (COVID-19). At LightEyez we feel well prepared to maintain all of our services, whilst we acknowledge there may be needed adjustments along the way as we, along with you, navigate through these unprecedented times. We highly value your business, and we appreciate your patience with us during these disrupted times. ........ LightEyez is devoted to the health and safety of our customers. We stand by our tried and tested sterile work environments and our continued safety and sterilisation procedures, which have always included the following:
In line with recent WHO guidance we also plan to adopt additional safety processes which will include the following changes:
You can see that LightEyez is taking all necessary precautions with each decision oriented around our people and our customers. With regard to our staff, Effective Monday, March 16th, 2020, all LightEyez customer relations team members will be working remotely until further notice and our physical office will be officially closed. In arriving at this decision and armed with our confidence in working remotely, we prioritized the health and safety of our people and clients, as well as to honour our responsibility to the communities in which we work and live during this national emergency. Our bottle plant, lab technicians and distribution will continue to work during this time, since they already adopt stick hazmat safety standards and use breathing apparatus and face masks as standard. As the situation is quickly changing, we do not know how long this policy will be in effect, but we are prepared to serve customers remotely for an extended period. We have been preparing to work remotely and are swiftly shifting to complete remote support operations without disruption to allow our customers to work with us as you normally would each day, with the exception of being in a virtual environment. This virtual environment is consistent with the way we work daily with many of you, and we have in essence been testing these virtual methods for years. We do not anticipate interruptions in the service you are accustomed to receiving, and our teams are continuing to work diligently to meet deadlines and to deliver the high level of service you expect from LightEyez. A few items to note:
Despite the disruptions to daily life caused by COVID-19, we are committed to delivering an exceptional customer experience, and our passion for helping our customers achieve their goals has not diminished in the wake of this unexpected and unusual time. Regardless of what lies ahead, one thing we can count on is each other. We care about our families, fellow team members, our customers, your families and our communities, and we will be in this together, supporting one another throughout this unprecedented situation, until such a time as this unusual period has passed. We are grateful for the trust you have placed with us, and please contact us: [email protected] with any questions or needs. We hope you and your family remain safe and healthy. Best Regards, Dr. Charlie Carmichael CEO It is with great sadness that today I write that our beloved Roscoe -who held up our wholesale and distribution- has passed. Some of our distributors were aware that Roscoe had been struggling with Bowel Cancer for sometime. Despite this, Roscoe spent the last few weeks training Dr. Chris Thornton, who he picked to take over his role. He was a fighter, who persevered in his work with LightEyez until the very end. He was also a dear friend and he will be missed by all the team, and everyone who knew him.
Roscoe leaves behind his wife Judy and their three children, Marcus-21, Anthony-19 and Valerie-6. From everyone on the LightEyez team we wish them the best in this difficult time and they will be forever in our thoughts. Dr . Charlie Carmichael CEO Update. Change to how cards are processed, card statement identifier changed to: ' LightSkn '24/5/2018 Hey Everyone. We have listened to your feedback about how we process card transactions and how to respect your privacy. In light of this we have been experimenting with how we show transactions on card statements, so that they are anonymous and do not state the product or company name. We first tried something completely innocuous and for a few weeks were showing transactions on card statements as: ' Play Products ' However, the reaction was mixed and quite a few of you emailed in, not recognising the charge. Therefore, we moved to something different and for two weeks we began processing transactions as: 'Eyez Products' Again however, we received emails, rightly pointing out that this did not reflect our core aim of protecting your privacy. As it still mentioned 'Eyes'. Thus after a few days of deliberations and several meetings later :) we settled on changing the statement identifier to: ' LightSkn ' For those that do not know, is our new and developing sister brand in the US. We feel that this is both anonymous enough so as to prevent others from seeing what you are ordering from your statement. But since it is our sister Brand, it is also synonymous with the brand LightEyez and therefore you will recognise it on your card statements. Therefore Going forward, all transactions will appear on card statements as: We are sorry for all the changes recently, they were all designed with you, our customers, in mind. There was just some unfortunate trial and error along the way. We appreciate your feedback as to whether you think this is a good idea. Please sound off in the comments below or send us an email at [email protected] As before the name 'LightEyez' will never appear on your package. In order to further protect your privacy. I wish everyone a happy weekend and to those in the USA, a happy memorial day as well :) Best, Charlie Carmichael CEO LightEyez Many of you have emailed in asking how you can take the drops with you when you travel, go to work etc... Or when you do not have access to a fridge. Now you can keep the eye drops with you at all times; in this insulated case. It contains two ice blocks, which freeze in around four hours. Once placed in the aluminium insulated case, these will keep your eye drops at the optimum temperature and protected for 24 hours + We can also ship your eye drops in these for maximum protection and temperature regulation. Further information: Keeps Eye Drops cool for extended periods. Contains ice blocks and aluminium insulation. Can be used as a day/travel pack if you need to take your drops away from the fridge, to work, on vacation etc.... Can also be used to ship drops in, in order to maintain integrity.
As always, please reach out with any questions or comments on this or anything else. We always love hearing from each and every one of you. Enjoy you weekend Mitch Powers [email protected] Why are you updating them now? A number of factors have came together at the same time making changes possible: 1. Firstly, We have had to allow adequate time to research and test the updates in human trials. This delays our ability to introduce Changes to the formulas and improve their effectiveness. We have now suffciently tested these changes and with promising results are able to introduce them to all of you. 2. Moving to plastic containers (without rubber bulbs which could degrade) now means that we can make stronger formulas, not possible before. 3. We have changed the natural preservative we use, to Organic AMC Coconut. This and a few other additions naturally align the eye drops to the ph of the eyes, without any added extras. The result being that we no longer need to use our old buffers and therefore have more room to add the key ingredients you all know and love, as well as some new ones to. Now to the changes: 1. We are now using OptiMSM® in all our products: More about this can be seen here: In summary this is the purest MSM on the planet. Meaning that even more of the active ingredients in the drops are now able to make contact with eye tissues. In our Ultra Drop we have also super concentrated this in the lab, affording even better absorption across the maximum surface area of the eye. 2. All our products now contain Cucumber Seed oil: We have been quietly introducing this over the last few weeks, so you may have have smelt it already. It has such a pleasant, refreshing odour to it, that we never tire of. Extracted solely from the seeds of non-GMO cucumbers, this oil is cold pressed and unrefined with a lovely, subtle scent of cucumber. With 60% Linoleic acid, and an abundance of Oleaic acid, it has refreshing, healing, and astringent properties. Its phytosterols (approximately 4000 - 5000 ppm) aid with the structural and functional integrity of the eye tissue and act as an anti-radical shield. The seeds also contain Phenylalanin, an amino acid that slows down melanin transfer. 3. Our Advanced Lines and Ultra drop now include Licorice Root Extract: Produced from the roots and rhizomes of the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant, Licorice Root has a long history of use as an anti-irritant and anti-inflammatory. Its been used extensively in Europe and the US as a soothing ingredient and is often used in Traditional Chinese medicine as an herbal healing agent. Licorice Root is a multi-functional botanical, where Recent research indicates that it is effective at reducing and removing melanin pigment. It contains Liquiritin and Isoliquertin, flavonoid containing glycosides which induce eye lightening by dispersing melanin pigment and enhancing more even pigment distribution. 4. We switched our Preservative from Grapefruit extract to AMTicide Coconut: AMTicide® Coconut is a new patent-pending product from Active Micro Technologies developed by fermenting Cocos nucifera (Coconut) fruit with Lactobacillus to deliver a non-irritating, effective and multifunctional product which can provide moisturizing and conditioning benefits eye preparations. In addition, it is effective at preventing the growth of fungus, specifically yeast and mold, thus providing additional protection for formulations using natural preservatives systems. AMTicide® Coconut was developed using the lipid fractions of coconut pericarp and Advanced Micro Technologies' specialty technique of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) fermentation which increases the bioavailability of natural phytocompounds. The resulting fermentation was found to have natural antifungal properties in addition to its moisturizing and conditioning benefits. Grapefruit extract has very low ph (acidic) this meant that we had to use alkaline buffers in version 1.0 of our drops, in order to bring them within the natural ph of the eye (7.0 - 7.3). The switch to AMTicide Coconut and some scientific wizardry means that we no longer have to use these. Because of this we are now able to include more active ingredients than ever before: 5. The aforementioned changes have allowed us to increase the level of active ingredients in our drops. From today you will find that the concentration of Brighlette, Kojic Mushroom or Alpaflor Gigawhite, have gone up from 30% to 50% in Version 2.0 of our Advanced Lines. This in practice means fuller more pronounced eye colour changes, in less time. The concentration of Brighlette and our own propertiety Stabilized OptiMSM has increased in the Ultra Drop. The concentrations of Bearberry fruit and Honey have increased in our Premium High Strength products. And the concentration of Bearberry fruit has also increased in our Premium Manuka formula. Please reach out to us in the comments, or contact form at the bottom. We welcome any queries, questions about the above or any comments you want to add.
Thanks for reading, Janet Emerson Chief Product Development Officer Today we are rolling out new labels across our product ranges: Along with this change we have updated all our products to be more effective and contain more of the key ingredients you love; all without increasing the price. A blog entry discussing these changes in also forth coming. The new labels are:
Please take a look at all the new labels below:
I wanted to take some time to introduce our new bottles for 2018:Bottles you say!!!! Thats not very exciting.... Well actually it is. Our new bottles are: - Still the same 15ml / 0.5 fl oz - Allow more accurate dispensing of our formulas (with small drops of liquid) thus, reducing wastage and saving you money. - Are more resistant to heat. - Afford greater solution integrity and therefore longer product life. - Spill proof, to stop those annoying accidents. One of the key reasons we made the change was to prevent any glass from getting in contact with your eyes. This is part of our ongoing commitment to our customers; to provide products that are the safest possible. Moreover, by changing the bottle design, we are now able to use tamper evident seals. Which we previously could not. This means that all our products now arrive to you with an added seal of safety. And you can be assured that nobody has tampered with the product. In addition, this change aligns our products more with medicated and other over-the-counter (OTC) eye-drops. It also mirrors guidance for eye based medications set out by the FDA and similar bodies. Which stipulate, that eyedrops should have no protruding plastic parts and should avoid glass and old-style long droppers. Our new droppers are also: - Made from recycled materials and are environmentally conscious - Free from harmful chemicals and pollutants - And Fully Recyclable They are also completely unreactive to the ingredients we use. Therefore, in the future we are able to develop stronger, even more effective solutions, that were not possible before. Over the next few weeks, we are rolling out updated labelling across all our product lines. There will be another blog post explaining this shortly. All these changes are part of our continuing strategy to provide you with the safest and most effective means of changing your eye colour. 2018 will bring with it many exciting changes, Keep an 👀 out on the blog and website for future updates :) As always, thank you to all our customers for your continued support and praise. [See below for usage instructions for the new bottles]. Best, LightEyez CEO Dr. Charlie Carmichael [email protected] Passionate about changing eye colour. Usage instructions: The new bottles are actually far easier to use than the old style ones. No need to shake. With the bottle tilted above the head/eyes, press lightly at the base(bottom) of the bottle to dispense a drop. Do not press too hard, as this causes air to be drawn in. All that is required is some light pressure to dispense a drop of liquid. Troubleshooting: If you still are experiencing issues. Take a small needle and sterilise in rubbing alcohol for 10mins. Afterwards, place needle in dropper hole to release any pressure. If that still does not work, remove the dropper cap, place in small glass and clean by shaking in some Isopropyl alcohol. This should hopefully release any trapped air. Ryan was a participant in our first research trial. He used our Premium Manuka formula with our standard MSM drops for 14 months.
Ryan was featured in our first video with a LightEyez user. Which, can be seen in the previous blog post. Below we have a Q&A with Ryan, this was recorded today, 12/12/2017, via Skype. Below is a verbatim transcript of Ryans responses to questions submitted via blog comments, facebook and email. Ryan: Whats up Everyone. I'm back and here to answer all your burning questions. I wanted to say that I have been so overwhelmed with the kind wishes and everyone who reached out to me. I have always wanted to change my eye colour and I have been humbled by the outpouring of comments about my eyes. And for all the haters, yes they are real, they look natural and it did not hurt :) I will try to answer everyones questions. I am sorry in advance if I miss anyone . But please reach out to me on my personal email if you ever have any questions. [email protected] Cassidie asked: I'm mixed black with very dark eyes how long did it take for you to realise your eyes were getting lighter? Similar questions were asked by, Michael, Angeleica, Tyrone, Darnell, Abdul and Micah. Answer: Hi Cassidie. Im not mixed, but both my parents are African American. I did have very dark (almost black eyes) to begin with. It took me 14 months using the Premium Manuka drop and MSM. I started to see changes at 6 months. |